Game description:

Vikings: A Hungry Business In the days of the Vikings, being a warrior was a hungry business. Raiding villages and plundering treasure was all well and good, but it didn't always leave enough to eat. That's why Vikings were always on the lookout for new ways to get their hands on food. One day, a group of Vikings were sailing along the coast when they saw a flock of chickens. The Vikings were immediately hungry, and they decided to land and catch some chickens for dinner. But as they were trying to catch the chickens, they realized that they were being watched by a group of villagers. The villagers were armed with pitchforks and hoes, and they were not happy to see the Vikings. They shouted at the Vikings to leave, but the Vikings refused. They were too hungry to give up their chance at a delicious meal. The villagers and the Vikings fought for hours, but in the end, the Vikings were victorious. They captured the chickens and took them back to their ship. The Vikings were so happy to have a feast, and they celebrated their victory long into the night. The moral of the story is that if you're a Viking, you're going to have to be hungry to survive. But if you're smart and resourceful, you'll always find a way to get your hands on some food.

Game controls:

Player 1:
W,A,S,D Keys move

Player 2:
Arrow Keys move
Chicken Chaser
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