"The bear was a gentle giant, and he loved to hug people. He would hug them so tightly that they would laugh and squeal with delight. But one day, the bear hugged a little too tightly, and the person died. The bear was heartbroken, and he vowed to never hug anyone again. But he couldn't help himself, and he would often find himself hugging people without even realizing it. He knew that he had to stop, but he didn't know how.
One day, the bear was walking through the forest when he saw a group of people gathered around a campfire. They were telling stories and laughing, and the bear felt a pang of loneliness. He wanted to join in, but he was afraid that he would hurt someone.
The bear sat down at the edge of the campfire and listened to the stories. He learned about the people's lives, and he began to understand that they were all different, but they were all loved. The bear realized that he could hug people without hurting them, as long as he was careful.
The bear started hugging people again, and he was careful not to hug them too tightly. He learned to control his strength, and he was able to give people the hugs that they needed. The people were grateful for the bear's hugs, and they told him that he made them feel loved.
The bear was happy that he was able to hug people again. He knew that he had to be careful, but he also knew that he could make people happy with his hugs. The bear lived a long and happy life, and he was always known for his gentle hugs."
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