Lilly's Princess Makeover

Game description:

In a grand castle, there lived a beautiful princess named Lilly. She was kind and loved to dance. One day, a ball was announced at the castle. All the ladies in the kingdom were excited to attend. Lilly was eager to go, but she didn't have a dress. She went to her mother, the queen, for help. The queen gave Lilly a beautiful ball gown and told her that she would look stunning in it. Lilly was so happy. She put on the dress and danced all night long. She had a wonderful time. The next day, Lilly woke up and found that she was still wearing her ball gown. She went to the mirror and saw that she had been turned into a beautiful swan. Lilly was sad, but she knew that she would have to find a way to break the spell. Lilly went to the forest and met a wise woman. The woman told Lilly that she could break the spell if she found a way to make someone cry tears of true love. Lilly set off on a journey to find someone who could cry tears of true love. She traveled far and wide, but she couldn't find anyone. One day, Lilly came to a village. She saw a young man sitting on a bench. He was crying. Lilly went up to him and asked him why he was crying. The young man told Lilly that he had lost his beloved. Lilly was touched by his story. She told the young man that she would help him find his beloved. Lilly and the young man traveled together. They searched for the young man's beloved for many days. Finally, they found her. The young man was so happy to see her. He cried tears of true love. Lilly broke the spell and was turned back into a human. She was so happy to be free. She thanked the young man for helping her. The young man and his beloved were reunited. They lived happily ever after.

Game controls:

Player 1:
Mouse Left Click Interact
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