Merry X-Infectonator!

Game description:

Spread the plague, transform Santa into a mindless monster, and destroy Christmas before it has a chance to begin! The holidays are a time for joy and celebration, but this year, something is different. A dark force has taken hold, and it is determined to ruin Christmas for everyone. The source of this evil is a mysterious plague that is spreading rapidly through the population. Those who are infected quickly succumb to its effects, transforming into mindless zombies who are only capable of spreading the plague further. As the plague spreads, it becomes clear that only one person can stop it: Santa Claus. But even the jolly old elf is no match for the power of the plague. He is quickly infected and transformed into a zombie himself. With Santa under the control of the plague, it seems like all hope is lost. But then, a group of brave heroes comes together to fight back. They must use all their strength and courage to defeat the plague and save Christmas. The battle is long and hard, but in the end, the heroes are victorious. They destroy the plague and save Christmas for everyone. But the victory is bittersweet, as they know that the plague will always be a threat. The heroes vow to never let the plague take hold again. They will do everything they can to protect Christmas and ensure that it is a time of joy and celebration for everyone.

Game controls:

Player 1:
Mouse Left Click Use mouse to play
Merry X-Infectonator!
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