Messy Golf

Game description:

The house was a mess. Clothes were strewn all over the floor, toys were scattered everywhere, and the kitchen was full of dirty dishes. But in the middle of all the chaos, a young boy was playing a game of golf. He had set up a makeshift course using some old boxes and chairs, and he was using a golf ball that he had found in the backyard. The boy was having a lot of fun, and he wasn't even paying attention to the mess around him. He was focused on getting the ball to travel through the mess, and he was determined to make a hole-in-one. As the boy played, he started to think about how the mess in the house was like the mess in his life. He had a lot of problems that he was dealing with, and he didn't know how to solve them. But he realized that if he could just focus on one thing at a time, he could eventually get through all of his problems. The boy took a deep breath and lined up his next shot. He swung the club, and the ball sailed through the air. It hit the target, and the boy cheered. He had made a hole-in-one! The boy smiled as he picked up his ball. He realized that he could do anything if he just focused on one thing at a time. He was going to clean up the mess in his house, and he was going to solve all of his problems.

Game controls:

Player 1:
Mouse Left Click, Mouse Moving Aim/Hit
Messy Golf
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