Square's Revenge

Game description:

Help the square get revenge on the circles The square was always the odd one out. He was different from the circles, and they didn't like him. They made fun of him for being square, and they called him names. The square tried to ignore them, but it was hard. He just wanted to be accepted. One day, the square had an idea. He would get revenge on the circles. He would show them that he was not to be messed with. He would show them that he was just as good as they were. The square started working on his plan. He gathered up all of the sharp objects he could find. He sharpened them and made them into weapons. He was ready for revenge. The next day, the circles were playing in the park. The square snuck up on them and attacked. He swung his weapons at the circles, and they were caught off guard. They didn't know what hit them. The circles were scared. They ran away from the square, and he chased them. He chased them all over the park, and they couldn't get away. Finally, the circles were tired. They couldn't run anymore. They stopped and turned to face the square. The square stood in front of them, and he was victorious. The circles had learned their lesson. They would never make fun of the square again. They would never call him names. They would accept him for who he was. The square was happy. He had gotten his revenge, and he had been accepted by the circles. He was finally one of them.

Game controls:

Player 1:
Mouse Moving Play
Square's Revenge
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