Temple of Doom

Game description:

You have found the relic you have been searching for, but can you escape as a horde of horrific creatures descends upon you? You stand in the center of a dark, damp cave. The walls are lined with stalactites and stalagmites, and the only light comes from a few torches that flicker in the distance. You have been searching for this relic for months, and now that you have found it, you are not sure if you will be able to escape with it. You hear a noise behind you and turn around. A group of creatures is emerging from the shadows. They are tall and thin, with long arms and legs. Their skin is pale and their eyes are black. They have sharp teeth and claws, and they are snarling at you. You know that you have to get out of here, but the creatures are blocking your way. You turn and run, but they are faster than you. They are gaining on you, and you can feel their hot breath on the back of your neck. You reach the end of the cave and see a light shining through a doorway. You sprint towards it, but the creatures are close behind you. You dive through the doorway and into a forest. You run through the forest, but the creatures are still chasing you. You can hear them getting closer and closer. You are out of breath and your lungs are burning, but you keep running. You come to a clearing and see a river in front of you. You know that if you can cross the river, the creatures will not be able to follow you. You jump into the river and start swimming. The creatures are still chasing you, but they are not as fast in the water. You swim as fast as you can, and you soon reach the other side of the river. You climb out of the river and look back. The creatures are on the other side of the river, snarling at you. You know that you have escaped, but you also know that the creatures will be back. You have the relic, but you have also made an enemy. You will have to be careful, because the creatures will not stop until they have taken back what is theirs.

Game controls:

Player 1:
W,A,S,D Keys Move, and Mouse Left Click Shoot, and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Select weapon, and Q, E Next weapon
Temple of Doom
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