The Mustache Thief

Game description:

The Boy Without a Mustache Once upon a time, there was a boy named Baby Face who was born without a mustache. He was the only boy in his village who didn't have one, and he was very self-conscious about it. He was teased by the other children, and he even started to avoid going out in public. One day, Baby Face heard about a magical place called Mustache World, where everyone had a beautiful mustache. He decided to travel there in the hopes of finding a way to grow his own mustache. When Baby Face arrived in Mustache World, he was amazed by what he saw. Everyone, young and old, had a magnificent mustache. He even met the King of Mustache World, who had the most impressive mustache of all. Baby Face asked the King if he could help him grow a mustache. The King told him that there was a special shampoo that could help, but the formula was a closely guarded secret. Baby Face was determined to get his hands on the shampoo, so he disguised himself as a barber and snuck into the King's palace. He found the shampoo and used it on himself, and within minutes, he had a beautiful mustache of his own. Baby Face was so happy with his new mustache that he returned to his village and showed it off to everyone. The other children were amazed, and they stopped teasing him. Baby Face was finally able to live his life without shame, thanks to the magic of Mustache World.

Game controls:

Player 1:
Arrow Keys Move/Jump

Player 2:
W,A,S,D Keys Move/Jump
The Mustache Thief
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