The Running Dead: Minoa and Jass in Gogon Centro

Game description:

Minoa and Jass Discover a Mysterious House Minoa and Jass were exploring the town of Gogon Centro when they came across a strange house. The house was old and rundown, and it looked like it had been abandoned for years. But something about the house drew them in, and they decided to take a closer look. As they got closer, they noticed that the house was covered in strange symbols. They didn't recognize any of the symbols, but they had a feeling that they were important. Minoa and Jass decided to go inside the house to see if they could find any clues. The inside of the house was just as strange as the outside. The furniture was old and dusty, and there was a thick layer of cobwebs everywhere. Minoa and Jass walked through the house, looking for anything that might help them figure out what the house was. In one of the rooms, they found a book. The book was old and leather-bound, and it was filled with strange writing. Minoa and Jass couldn't read the writing, but they could tell that it was important. They took the book with them, and they continued to explore the house. In another room, they found a staircase that led to a basement. The basement was dark and damp, and it smelled of mold. Minoa and Jass were scared, but they decided to go down the stairs anyway. At the bottom of the stairs, they found a room. The room was filled with strange machines. The machines were all covered in dust, and they looked like they hadn't been used in years. Minoa and Jass didn't know what the machines were, but they could tell that they were important. Minoa and Jass spent hours exploring the house. They found more books, more machines, and more strange symbols. They didn't know what it all meant, but they were determined to find out. Finally, they found a room that was different from all the others. The room was clean and well-lit, and it was filled with beautiful paintings. The paintings were of different people, all of whom had strange, otherworldly eyes. Minoa and Jass were confused, but they were also intrigued. They decided to leave the house and go back to town. They took the book and the paintings with them, and they vowed to return to the house someday to learn more about its secrets.

Game controls:

Player 1:
Arrow Keys Move and Space Keys Attack and 1, 2 Select Weapons
The Running Dead: Minoa and Jass in Gogon Centro
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