Internet Games Central
Holiday Dress Up
"Every year, she would be the first one to put up the decorations, and the last one to take them down. She loved everything about the holidays - the music, the food, the presents, and most of all, the company of her family and friends. She was always the one who made sure everyone had a good time, and she always went out of her way to make the holidays special for everyone. This year, she was even more excited than usual for the holidays. She had been looking forward to it for months, and she couldn't wait to see her family and friends again. She had even started planning her holiday party weeks in advance. But then, a few weeks before the holidays, she got some bad news. Her grandmother, who she was very close to, had passed away. She was devastated. She didn't know how she was going to go on without her. But then, she remembered something her grandmother had always told her. "The holidays are a time for joy and celebration," she would say. "No matter what happens, you should always try to make the most of them." So, even though she was grieving, she decided to do just that. She put up the decorations, she cooked all of her grandmother's favorite holiday dishes, and she invited all of her family and friends over for a party. It wasn't the same without her grandmother, but she still had a good time. She laughed, she cried, and she shared stories about her grandmother with everyone. And in the end, she realized that her grandmother would have wanted her to be happy, and that's exactly what she was. The holidays are a time for reflection and celebration. They're a time to remember the good times, and to cherish the people we love. And even though this year was different, she still managed to make the most of it. She found joy in the simple things, and she reminded herself that the holidays are about more than just presents and decorations. They're about spending time with the people you love, and creating memories that will last a lifetime.
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