Internet Games Central
Feel the Lifeblood Flowing The pulse is a sign of life. It is the rhythmic beating of the heart that pumps blood throughout the body. When we feel the pulse, we are connecting with the life force that flows through us. Feeling the pulse can be a calming and centering experience. It can help us to connect with our bodies and to become more aware of the present moment. When we focus on the pulse, we can quiet our minds and let go of stress and anxiety. There are many ways to feel the pulse. You can place your fingers on your wrist, your neck, or your temple. You can also listen to the pulse by placing your ear next to your heart. No matter how you choose to feel the pulse, take a few moments to close your eyes and focus on the sensation. Notice the rhythm of the beat. Feel the blood flowing through your veins. Let the pulse connect you with the life force that flows through you.
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