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Space Invaders
Your spaceship has entered uncharted space. You are the first human to ever set foot in this region of the galaxy. As you explore, you come across a strange alien ship. The ship is unlike anything you have ever seen before. It is covered in strange symbols and markings. You cautiously approach the ship, hoping to learn more about its origins. As you get closer, you see that the ship is deserted. There is no sign of life anywhere. You decide to board the ship, hoping to find some clues as to who built it and why it is here. As you step inside the ship, you are immediately overwhelmed by the smell of decay. The ship is in a state of disrepair. The walls are covered in dust and cobwebs. The floor is littered with debris. You make your way through the ship, careful not to disturb anything. You come across a room that is filled with strange machines. The machines are all interconnected by a complex network of wires. You have no idea what they do, but you can tell that they are very advanced. You continue to explore the ship, hoping to find something that will tell you more about its origins. You come across a room that is filled with books. The books are written in a language that you don't recognize. You take one of the books and begin to read it. As you read, you start to understand more about the alien race that built the ship. You learn that they were a peaceful people who were wiped out by a war. You also learn that the ship was a means of escape for the few survivors. You finish reading the book and you are filled with sadness. You think about the fate of the alien race and you wonder if the same fate will befall humanity. You decide to leave the ship and return to your own world. As you leave, you take one last look at the ship and you swear to never forget the lessons that you have learned.
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