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Asteroid Bounce
Title: Asteroid Bouncing The asteroid was a dark, forbidding presence in the night sky. It was an unknown quantity, and its potential for danger was unknown. But there was only one way to find out what it was made of: to get close and take a look. The astronaut piloted her ship carefully towards the asteroid. She knew that she had to be careful not to damage her ship, but she also knew that she couldn't afford to be too cautious. She had to get close enough to get a good look at the asteroid, but she also had to be able to get away if things got too dangerous. The astronaut brought her ship to a stop a few meters away from the asteroid. She took a deep breath and opened the hatch. The airlock hissed as it depressurized, and the astronaut stepped out into the vacuum of space. The asteroid was even bigger up close. It was covered in craters and boulders, and it looked like it had been through a lot. The astronaut took a few steps towards the asteroid, careful not to slip on the loose rocks. As she got closer, the astronaut could see that the asteroid was made of a strange, silvery material. It was smooth and shiny, and it reflected the light of the stars. The astronaut reached out and touched the asteroid. It was cold and hard, but it felt solid. The astronaut took a few more steps, and she came to a large boulder. She climbed up on top of the boulder and looked around. The asteroid was bigger than she had thought. It was almost as big as a small planet. The astronaut took a deep breath and started to walk around the asteroid. She kept an eye out for any signs of danger, but she didn't see anything. She walked for hours, and she saw nothing but rocks and craters. Finally, the astronaut came to the other side of the asteroid. She looked back at the way she had come, and she saw that she had made a complete circle. She had circumnavigated the asteroid. The astronaut smiled. She had done it. She had explored an unknown asteroid. She had learned something new about the universe, and she had made history.
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