Internet Games Central
Avoid the Knives!
Danger! Little Cloody the cloud was floating through the sky when he saw a group of children playing with knives. He was scared, so he flew away as fast as he could. But the children chased after him, throwing their knives at him. Cloody was getting tired, and he knew he couldn't keep flying forever. He was about to give up when he saw a big tree. He flew down and hid in the leaves. The children didn't see Cloody, and they soon gave up and went home. Cloody was safe, but he was still scared. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to leave the tree, but he also didn't want to stay there forever. Cloody thought about what he should do. He knew that he needed to find a way to get rid of the knives. He thought about flying away, but he knew that the children would just follow him. He thought about hiding in the clouds, but he knew that the children would eventually find him. Cloody finally had an idea. He would fly to the top of the tree and drop the knives on the ground. The children would be too scared to come near him if they saw the knives. Cloody flew to the top of the tree and dropped the knives. The children saw the knives and ran away. Cloody was safe! Cloody learned a valuable lesson that day. He learned that it's important to be careful of danger, and that it's always better to be safe than sorry.
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