Internet Games Central
Bee Haven: A Summer Adventure
In the summer, Miu, Kitty, and Biki decided to spend a day collecting honey. They packed their bags with supplies and set off into the forest. They walked for hours, following the sound of bees buzzing in the trees. Finally, they came to a clearing where a large beehive was nestled in the branches of a tree. The girls carefully climbed up the tree and reached for the hive. But as they did, the bees began to swarm around them. Miu, Kitty, and Biki were scared, but they knew they had to get the honey. So they held on tight and started to shake the hive. The bees buzzed angrily, but the girls kept shaking. Finally, the honey started to drip out of the hive and into their buckets. The girls were so happy! They had collected enough honey to last them all winter. They climbed down from the tree and headed back home, their buckets full of delicious honey.
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