Internet Games Central
Brave Hussar's Quest
The brave hussar charged through the forest, his horse's hooves thundering against the ground. The trees whipped past him in a blur, and the wind stung his eyes. He could hear the orcs close behind him, their shouts echoing through the trees. He knew that he had to outrun them, or they would kill him. But the forest was thick and dense, and it was easy for them to track him. He had to find a way to lose them. Suddenly, he spotted a clearing up ahead. He urged his horse to greater speed, and they burst out into the open. The orcs were caught off guard, and they skidded to a halt. The hussar turned his horse and charged back towards them, his spear held high. The orcs were taken by surprise, and they were quickly overwhelmed. The hussar's spear flashed through the air, and the orcs fell one by one. In a matter of moments, the battle was over. The hussar had survived, and he had defeated the orcs. He had proven himself to be a true hero.
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