Internet Games Central
Cat's Space Adventure
The cat plummeted towards the earth, its fur streaming behind it. The air was thin and cold, and the cat could feel its lungs burning. It struggled to stay conscious, but it knew that if it did, it would die. Just when the cat thought it was about to pass out, it suddenly felt the ground rushing up to meet it. The cat closed its eyes and braced for impact. But the impact never came. Instead, the cat felt itself gently floating down to the ground. It opened its eyes and saw that it was lying on a bed of soft grass. The cat took a deep breath and looked around. It was in a meadow, surrounded by flowers and trees. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. The cat had survived its fall from 10,000 meters. It didn't know how, but it was grateful to be alive. The cat took a few steps and then started to run. It ran and ran until it came to a river. The cat stopped and looked at the water. It took a deep breath and then jumped in. The cat swam across the river and then climbed onto the bank. It shook itself off and then started to walk. The cat didn't know where it was going, but it knew that it was going to be okay.
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