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Complete Miniputt
"Complete all" is a phrase that can be used in a variety of contexts. It can be used to encourage someone to finish a task, or to indicate that something has been completed. In this text, I will use the phrase to inspire a new text in English. The phrase "complete all" can be interpreted in a number of ways. It can mean to finish something, to achieve something, or to make something whole. In this text, I will use the phrase to mean to make something whole. I believe that the world is a broken place. There is division, hatred, and violence everywhere. But I also believe that we can make the world a better place. We can start by completing all the things that are broken. We can complete the broken relationships. We can complete the unfinished projects. We can complete the unrealized dreams. We can complete all the things that make the world a worse place. When we complete all the things that are broken, we will make the world a whole place. We will create a world where there is peace, love, and understanding. We will create a world where everyone is happy and fulfilled. So let's all work together to complete all the things that are broken. Let's make the world a whole place.
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