Internet Games Central
Cow Rush
"Hurry up and get the cows through the portal before it closes!" The farmer was anxious to get his cows to safety before the storm hit. The portal was a temporary opening that would only be open for a short time. If the cows didn't make it through in time, they would be trapped on the other side of the portal and would surely perish. The farmer and his sons worked quickly to get the cows through the portal. They herded the cows into a small pen near the portal and then used a long pole to push them through. The cows were reluctant to go through the portal, but they knew that they had to if they wanted to survive. One by one, the cows were pushed through the portal and into safety. The farmer and his sons watched anxiously as the last of the cows made it through. Then, with a loud bang, the portal closed. The storm had arrived, and the cows were safe.
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