Internet Games Central
Cowboy Darts
A group of zombies approached the cowboy's farm. The cowboy didn't ride his horse or use his revolver, but instead used his dart skills to fight off the zombies. The zombies were relentless, but the cowboy was quick and accurate with his darts. He managed to take out one zombie after another, until finally the last zombie fell to the ground. The cowboy had saved his farm and his family from the zombie horde. The cowboy's wife was so grateful that she cooked him his favorite meal as a reward. The cowboy ate his meal and then went to bed, exhausted from the battle. He dreamed of the day when he would finally be able to live in peace without the threat of zombies. The next morning, the cowboy woke up and went outside to check on his farm. He was relieved to see that the zombies were gone. He decided to take a walk in the woods to clear his head. As he was walking, he came across a group of people who were also survivors of the zombie apocalypse. The cowboy joined the group and they traveled together for safety. The group of survivors eventually found a safe place to live. They built a community and started a new life. The cowboy was happy to finally be able to live in peace. He never forgot the day he fought off the zombies and saved his farm.
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