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The pace of learning is dependent on the level of difficulty. For example, a child learning to read will progress more quickly than an adult learning to read. This is because the child has less prior knowledge to unlearn, and the material is presented in a more structured way. Additionally, children are typically more motivated to learn than adults, which can also contribute to a faster pace of learning. Another way to think about this is in terms of the learning curve. The learning curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between the amount of time spent learning and the level of proficiency achieved. For most skills, the learning curve is initially steep, as the learner gains the basic knowledge and skills needed to perform the task. However, as the learner becomes more proficient, the learning curve flattens out, as it takes less time to achieve additional gains in proficiency. The speed of learning can also be affected by a number of other factors, such as the learner's individual learning style, the availability of resources, and the amount of time devoted to learning.
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