Internet Games Central
Duck Hunted
The alligator was going to take a shower, but he couldn't find his little yellow duck toys. He was very angry, and he wanted to know who had stolen them. He thought to himself, "I have to get them back." He searched all over the house, but he couldn't find them anywhere. He was starting to get worried. He had had those ducks for a long time, and they were very special to him. He decided to go outside and look around. He looked in the yard, he looked in the bushes, he even looked in the pond. But he still couldn't find them. He was about to give up when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was a small yellow object, and it was floating in the water. He swam over to it, and he saw that it was one of his ducks! He was so happy to have found his duck. He picked it up and hugged it tightly. He then swam back to shore, and he went inside to take his shower. As he was taking his shower, he thought about how lucky he was to have found his duck. He also thought about how angry he was at whoever had stolen it. He vowed to find out who had done it, and he vowed to make them pay.
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