Internet Games Central
Elsa & Jack Wedding Prep
It was a beautiful day in the kingdom of Arendelle. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the flowers were in bloom. It was the perfect day for a wedding. Elsa and Jack were getting married. They had been together for many years, and they were finally ready to take the next step. They had been planning their wedding for months, and everything was finally coming together. The ceremony was scheduled to take place at noon in the castle's ballroom. Elsa and Jack had invited all of their friends and family, and they were expecting a large turnout. The morning of the wedding, Elsa and Jack were both nervous but excited. They couldn't wait to start their new life together as husband and wife. The ceremony was beautiful. Elsa wore a stunning white dress, and Jack looked handsome in his tux. They exchanged vows and rings, and then they were pronounced husband and wife. After the ceremony, there was a reception in the ballroom. Everyone danced and ate and celebrated the happy couple. It was a perfect day for a perfect wedding.
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