Internet Games Central
Escape the Cliff
In a faraway land, there lived a slave named Bob. He was a loyal servant to the king, but the king was not a kind master. He was always trying to find ways to kill Bob, but Bob was always too clever for him. One day, the king decided to get rid of Bob once and for all. He sent Bob on a dangerous mission to the top of a cliff. If Bob fell from the cliff, he would surely die. But Bob was not afraid. He knew that he had to escape from the king, no matter what. Bob climbed to the top of the cliff and looked down. The drop was hundreds of feet, and the rocks below were sharp and jagged. Bob knew that if he fell, he would be killed. But he also knew that he couldn't go back to the king. He had to find a way to escape. Bob looked around and saw a small ledge about halfway down the cliff. It was a long way down, but it was better than nothing. Bob took a deep breath and started to climb down. The ledge was narrow and slippery, and Bob had to be careful not to fall. He slowly made his way down, one handhold at a time. Finally, he reached the bottom of the cliff. He was exhausted, but he was safe. Bob had escaped from the king, but he knew that he couldn't stay in the forest forever. He had to find a way to get back to his home. He looked around and saw a small village in the distance. He decided to head there and see if he could find help. Bob walked to the village and met with the elders. He told them his story, and they agreed to help him. They gave him food and shelter, and they helped him find a way to get back to his home. Bob was grateful for the help of the villagers. He knew that he would never have been able to escape from the king without them. He said goodbye to the villagers and started on his journey home. Bob walked for many days, and finally he reached his home. He was reunited with his family and friends, and he was happy to be back in a place where he was safe. Bob never forgot the help of the villagers. He knew that he owed them his life. He vowed to always be kind and helpful to others, just as they had been to him.
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