Internet Games Central
Escape the Creepy Room
You find yourself in the creepiest room you have ever been in. The walls are dark and damp, and the air is thick with the smell of decay. You can hear strange noises coming from the shadows, and you know that something is watching you. You need to get out of here, but how? You look around the room for a way out, but there is no door. You try the windows, but they are all locked. You are starting to panic. You don't know what to do. Suddenly, you hear a noise behind you. You turn around and see a figure standing in the doorway. It is tall and thin, and it is wearing a long black coat. Its face is hidden in the shadows, but you can see its eyes. They are glowing red. You know that this is the thing that has been watching you. You know that you have to get away from it. You turn and run. You run through the room, but the figure is chasing you. You can hear its footsteps getting closer and closer. You are running out of time. You reach the end of the room and see a door. You slam into it and it swings open. You tumble out into the hallway. You are free. You run as fast as you can down the hallway. You don't look back. You just keep running. You finally reach the exit and burst out into the open air. You take a deep breath of fresh air and you feel your panic start to subside. You are safe. You look back at the house and you see the figure standing in the doorway. It is still watching you. You know that it will never stop watching you. But you don't care. You are free.
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