Internet Games Central
Escape the Moon!
Break through the barriers and achieve your dreams! Imagine yourself trapped in a room with 30 metal doors. Each door is locked and guarded by a fierce enemy. You know that the only way to escape is to break through all of the doors. You take a deep breath and prepare yourself for battle. You charge at the first door and smash it open with your bare hands. The enemy is caught off guard and you quickly defeat them. You move on to the next door and the next, each time becoming stronger and more determined. Finally, you reach the last door. It is the thickest and strongest of all, but you are not afraid. You know that you can do this. You charge at the door and with one final blow, you break through it. You are free! You stand in the open air, breathing in the fresh oxygen. You have achieved your dreams. You have broken through the barriers and escaped to space!
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