Internet Games Central
Escape the Nerd Factory
You are trapped in a nerd factory. You must use your skills and intelligence to escape. You wake up in a strange room. You are surrounded by computers and other electronic equipment. You look around and see that you are in a factory. The walls are lined with shelves of circuit boards and other components. There are machines everywhere, all of them humming and whirring. You don't know how you got here, but you know that you need to get out. You look around for a way out, but all of the doors are locked. You try to find a key, but there is none to be found. You are starting to panic. You don't know what to do. You are trapped. Suddenly, you hear a noise. You turn around and see a door opening. A man steps out of the door. He is wearing a lab coat and glasses. He looks at you and smiles. "Welcome to my factory," he says. "I am Dr. Nerd. I have been expecting you." You don't know what to say. You are just glad to see that there is a way out of here. "I have been watching you for some time," Dr. Nerd continues. "I know that you are a very intelligent person. That is why I have brought you here. I need your help." You are confused. "What kind of help?" you ask. "I am working on a very important project," Dr. Nerd says. "I need you to help me finish it." You don't want to help Dr. Nerd, but you don't have a choice. You are trapped. "What do I have to do?" you ask. "It is simple," Dr. Nerd says. "I need you to find the missing component for my machine. It is the only thing that is keeping me from completing my project." You nod. "I will do it," you say. Dr. Nerd smiles. "I knew I could count on you," he says. He turns and walks away. You watch him go, then you turn and look around the room. You need to find the missing component. You start by looking at the machines. You see that they are all different shapes and sizes. They are all connected to each other by a network of wires. You don't know what any of them do, but you know that you need to find the missing component. You start by looking at the biggest machine. It is in the center of the room. It is covered in buttons and levers. You don't know where to start. You decide to just start pressing buttons. You press one button, and nothing happens. You press another button, and a light turns on. You press another button, and a machine starts to hum. You keep pressing buttons, and you start to learn how the machines work. You learn that each machine has a different function. Some of them are for making parts, and some of them are for assembling parts. You keep working, and you eventually find the missing component. It is a small piece of metal. You take it to Dr. Nerd. Dr. Nerd smiles when he sees the component. "Excellent," he says. "Now I can finish my project." He takes the component and puts it in the machine. The machine starts to hum louder, and then it stops. Dr. Nerd smiles again. "It is done," he says. "My project is complete." You don't know what to say. You are just glad to be out of this place. Dr. Nerd turns to you. "Thank you for your help," he says. "You are a true hero." You nod. "You're welcome," you say. You turn and walk away. You are finally free.
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