Internet Games Central
Fortress: Rise of the Dragon
The dragon swooped down from the sky, its fire-breathing maw wide open. The villagers screamed in terror as the flames licked at their homes. In a matter of moments, the village was reduced to smoldering ruins. The villagers were left homeless and without hope. But they knew that they had to rebuild their village, no matter the cost. They gathered together and began to work. They cleared the rubble and began to rebuild their homes. They worked day and night, and in a few months, the village was back to its former glory. The villagers were proud of what they had accomplished. They had faced a great challenge and overcome it. They had learned that they were stronger than they thought. They were ready for anything that came their way. One day, the dragon returned. The villagers were terrified, but they knew that they had to fight back. They armed themselves with swords and spears and took to the streets. The dragon roared in anger and unleashed its fire. The villagers fought bravely, but they were outnumbered and outmatched. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a stranger appeared. He was a powerful warrior, and he led the villagers to victory. The dragon was slain, and the villagers were safe. The villagers were grateful to the warrior for saving them. They asked him to stay and be their leader. The warrior agreed, and he led the villagers to a new era of peace and prosperity.
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