Internet Games Central
Heaven's Hoodlum: Soul Savior
A New Soul in Heaven A new soul has arrived in Heaven, and he is disrupting the balance of the afterlife. This soul is a hoodlum, a troublemaker who has spent his entire life causing chaos and pain. He is not used to following rules, and he is not interested in learning how to live in harmony with others. The other souls in Heaven are worried about the hoodlum. They know that he is a danger to himself and to others. They try to help him, but he refuses to listen. He is determined to cause trouble, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. The angels in Heaven are at a loss for what to do. They have never had to deal with a soul like this before. They know that they cannot let him continue to disrupt the peace of Heaven, but they also know that they cannot punish him without violating his free will. One day, an angel named Gabriel has an idea. He knows that the hoodlum is a troublemaker, but he also knows that he is a lost soul. He believes that the hoodlum needs to be shown the error of his ways, and he believes that he is the only one who can do it. Gabriel goes to the hoodlum and tells him that he knows what he is doing. He tells him that he is causing trouble and that he is hurting others. He tells him that he needs to change his ways, or he will be sent to Hell. The hoodlum is angry at first, but Gabriel's words eventually get through to him. He realizes that he has been wrong, and he is willing to change. Gabriel helps him to see the error of his ways, and he helps him to find a new path. The hoodlum is finally able to find peace in Heaven. He is no longer a troublemaker, and he is no longer a danger to himself or to others. He is finally able to live a life of peace and happiness.
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