Internet Games Central
Highway Goat Mayhem
Help a goat cause traffic chaos A goat is causing traffic chaos by dropping objects onto a highway. The goat is wearing a backpack full of rocks, and it is shaking the backpack so that the rocks fall out onto the road. This is causing cars to swerve and brake suddenly, which is leading to traffic jams and accidents. The goat is being controlled by a man who is standing on the side of the road. The man is laughing and enjoying the chaos that the goat is causing. He is wearing a sign that says, "Help a goat cause traffic chaos." The police are on their way to the scene, but they are not sure how to stop the goat. They are considering using tranquilizer darts, but they are worried that this might not be safe for the goat. In the meantime, the goat continues to cause traffic chaos. It is dropping rocks onto the road, and cars are swerving and braking suddenly. The traffic is backed up for miles, and there are several accidents. The man who is controlling the goat is laughing and enjoying the chaos. He is not concerned about the damage that he is causing. He is just happy to see the goat causing so much trouble. The police finally arrive on the scene. They see the goat and the man who is controlling it. They order the man to stop, but he refuses. The police then try to use tranquilizer darts, but they are not effective. The goat continues to cause traffic chaos. The police are forced to call in reinforcements. They bring in more tranquilizer darts, and they also bring in a net. The police eventually manage to catch the goat. They tranquilize it and put it in a net. The man who was controlling the goat is arrested. The goat is taken to a local animal shelter. The police are investigating the incident, and they are trying to figure out who is responsible for training the goat to cause traffic chaos.
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