Internet Games Central
Hope's Woods
The story is set in the lush forests that once belonged to the indigenous people. The trees are tall and majestic, and the undergrowth is thick and green. The air is filled with the sound of birdsong and the smell of pine needles. The protagonist is a young woman who has come to the forest in search of something. She is not sure what she is looking for, but she knows that she will find it here. She walks through the forest, her mind filled with thoughts. She thinks about her life and her past, and she wonders about her future. As she walks, she comes across a clearing. In the middle of the clearing is a small hut. The hut is made of wood and covered in vines. The door is open, and the protagonist can see that the inside is empty. The protagonist steps inside the hut. It is dark and cool inside. She sits down on a bed of leaves and closes her eyes. She can feel the energy of the forest flowing through her body. She feels at peace. The protagonist opens her eyes and looks around. She sees that the hut is not empty after all. There is a figure sitting in the corner. The figure is small and frail, and it is covered in a cloak. The protagonist stands up and approaches the figure. The figure looks up at her and smiles. The protagonist can see that the figure is a young girl. "Hello," says the protagonist. "Hello," says the girl. "What are you doing here?" asks the protagonist. "I am waiting for you," says the girl. "For me?" asks the protagonist. "Yes," says the girl. "You are the one who is meant to find me." "Why me?" asks the protagonist. "Because you are the one who is searching," says the girl. "You are the one who is looking for something." "I am looking for myself," says the protagonist. "You have found yourself," says the girl. "You are here." The protagonist looks around the hut. She sees that the walls are covered in paintings. The paintings are of the forest, and they are filled with light and life. "These are beautiful," says the protagonist. "They are your paintings," says the girl. "My paintings?" asks the protagonist. "Yes," says the girl. "You painted them when you were here before." "I don't remember painting them," says the protagonist. "You don't have to remember," says the girl. "The paintings are here. They are proof that you were here." The protagonist looks at the paintings again. She sees that they are filled with memories. She remembers the feeling of the warm sun on her skin and the sound of the wind in the trees. She remembers the feeling of peace and tranquility that she felt in the forest. "I remember now," says the protagonist. "I know you do," says the girl. "Now it is time for you to go." "Go?" asks the protagonist. "But where?" "Home," says the girl. "You are home now." The protagonist smiles. She turns and walks out of the hut. She steps out into the clearing and takes a deep breath. The air is fresh and clean, and the sun is shining brightly. The protagonist turns and looks at the hut. She knows that she will never forget this place. It is the place where she found herself. The protagonist turns and walks away. She walks through the forest, and the trees seem to welcome her home. She walks with a smile on her face, and she knows that she is finally at peace.
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