Zim needed a disguise. He had to infiltrate the enemy base, and he couldn't do that if they recognized him. He thought about a dozen different ways to disguise himself, but none of them seemed quite right. He needed something that would be convincing, but not too obvious.
Suddenly, he had an idea. He would dress up as a clown! Clowns were always getting away with things, because people didn't take them seriously. He could just blend in with the other clowns, and no one would be the wiser.
He put on his clown costume and headed for the enemy base. As he walked through the door, no one even looked at him twice. He was just another clown, after all. He made his way to the control room, where he found the plans to the enemy's latest weapon. He quickly copied the plans and made his escape.
Thanks to his disguise, Zim had succeeded in infiltrating the enemy base and stealing their plans. He had proven that even the most unlikely disguise can be effective, if you're just creative enough.
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