Internet Games Central
Lodge Mystery
The radio crackles to life, the static whispering through the patrol car like restless ghosts. Suddenly, a voice pierces the air, raw and panicked: "Help! Please...something's here...killing everyone!" The hairs on your neck prickle as you recognize the location – the very same secluded lodge where whispers of a grisly massacre recently sent shivers down your spine. Your foot slams on the gas, the engine roaring as you surge towards the source of the chilling plea. The road winds through dense pines, sunlight filtering through the branches in fractured patterns that dance on the asphalt. Each twisted bough seems to clutch at the passing car, a silent omen of the horrors that may lie ahead. As you crest a rise, the lodge looms into view, its once welcoming facade now marred by broken windows and bloodstained wood. The silence is thick, broken only by the frantic chirping of unseen birds. A cold dread washes over you, a primal instinct screaming to turn back. But the desperate voice echoes in your mind, a beacon in the suffocating silence. Taking a deep breath, you step out of the car, the crunch of snow underfoot the only sound that dares to break the stillness. The lodge door hangs open, a gaping maw beckoning you into the unknown. You draw your weapon, its reassuring weight a comfort in the face of the unseen terror. With each step inside, the air grows colder, stale and heavy with the cloying scent of blood and decay. Shadows writhe on the walls, cast by flickering candlelight emanating from deeper within. The floorboards creak underfoot, each groan a morbid melody to your growing unease. Part 2 of the Scary Lodge Massacre begins now. Are you brave enough to face the darkness and uncover the truth behind the screams? Remember, this is just the beginning. The story is yours to write, to make choices that will determine your fate and the fate of those who may still be alive within the lodge walls. Be prepared for the unexpected, for the shadows may hold not only answers, but also unimaginable horrors. Choose wisely, and may your courage carry you through the darkness.
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