Internet Games Central
Lost Paper Boy
The Lost Paperboy The paperboy was a young boy, about 10 years old. He had been delivering papers for the past few months, and he was pretty good at it. He knew all the houses on his route, and he was always on time. One day, the paperboy was delivering papers as usual. He was taking a shortcut through the woods, when he got lost. He wandered around for a while, trying to find his way back, but he just got more and more lost. The paperboy was starting to get scared. He was all alone in the woods, and it was starting to get dark. He didn't know what to do. Just when the paperboy was about to give up hope, he saw a light in the distance. He ran towards the light, and soon he came to a small cabin. The paperboy knocked on the door, and a kind old woman answered. She invited the paperboy inside and gave him some hot chocolate. The paperboy told the old woman how he had gotten lost, and she offered to help him find his way home. The old woman gave the paperboy a map, and she showed him how to get back to his neighborhood. The paperboy thanked the old woman for her help, and he set off on his way. The paperboy followed the map, and soon he was back in his neighborhood. He found his house, and he went inside. His parents were so happy to see him, and they were so grateful to the old woman for helping him. The paperboy learned a valuable lesson that day. He learned that it's important to be careful when you're taking shortcuts, and he learned that it's always good to be kind to strangers.
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