Internet Games Central
Meet Snowy
The snow fairy is a magical creature that appears in the winter. She is said to bring snow and cold weather to the world. She is often depicted as a young girl with long, flowing hair and wearing a white dress. She is also said to be very kind and gentle. One day, a young boy named Jack was walking in the forest when he saw the snow fairy. She was sitting on a rock, crying. Jack asked her what was wrong, and she told him that she was lost. Jack offered to help her find her way home, and the two of them set off into the forest together. As they walked, Jack and the snow fairy talked and laughed. Jack learned that the snow fairy's name was Willow, and that she lived in a beautiful castle made of ice. Willow told Jack that she loved the winter, but that she sometimes missed the company of other creatures. Jack promised to visit her again soon, and then he helped her find her way home. Jack was glad that he had been able to help Willow. He also realized that the snow fairy was not as cold and scary as he had thought. In fact, she was kind and gentle, just like he had always imagined.
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