Internet Games Central
Monkey Vs Aliens
Ape Joins the Space Force to Fight Aliens The year is 2042. Earth is under attack by an alien race. The humans are losing, and their only hope lies in a group of unlikely heroes: a team of apes who have been trained to fight in space. The apes are led by a chimpanzee named Caesar. Caesar is a brilliant strategist and a fierce warrior. He is determined to save humanity from the aliens, even if it means sacrificing his own life. The apes train hard for their mission. They learn how to pilot spaceships, fight in zero gravity, and use advanced weapons. They are ready for anything. When the aliens launch their invasion, the apes are ready for them. They fight bravely, and they manage to turn the tide of the battle. The aliens are defeated, and Earth is saved. The apes are hailed as heroes. They are given a parade in their honor, and they are given a place of honor in the new human government. The apes have proven that they are more than just animals. They are intelligent, resourceful, and brave. They are the future of humanity, and they will protect Earth from any threat that comes their way.
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