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Natural Selection 2
Natural Selection The process of natural selection is one of the most important and fundamental principles in biology. It is the driving force behind evolution, and it has shaped the diversity of life on Earth. Natural selection occurs when organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than those that are not. This is because the organisms that are better adapted are more likely to produce offspring that are also well-adapted. Over time, this can lead to significant changes in a population, as the less well-adapted organisms are gradually replaced by the more well-adapted ones. Natural selection is a powerful force that has shaped the history of life on Earth. It has led to the evolution of a wide variety of adaptations, from the wings of birds to the camouflage of insects. It has also led to the extinction of many species, as they have been unable to adapt to changes in their environment. Natural selection is a continuous process, and it is still happening today. As the environment changes, organisms must adapt or die. Those that are able to adapt will survive and reproduce, and their offspring will inherit their adaptations. Over time, this can lead to significant changes in a population, as the less well-adapted organisms are gradually replaced by the more well-adapted ones.
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