Internet Games Central
Ninja's Mission
The sound of a blade being drawn echoed through the night. A figure clad in black moved through the shadows, their steps silent as they approached their target. The target was a lone guard, standing watch at the entrance to a compound. The ninja paused, taking a moment to assess the situation. The guard was distracted, looking the other way. The ninja took a deep breath and sprang into action. In a blur of motion, the ninja closed the distance between them and the guard. The guard never saw it coming. The ninja's blade flashed in the moonlight, and the guard's head fell to the ground with a thud. The ninja sheathed their blade and melted back into the shadows, leaving no trace of their passing. The compound was now unguarded. The ninja moved quickly and silently, making their way through the complex. They knew exactly where they were going. They had been planning this mission for weeks. The ninja reached their destination, a small room at the end of a long hallway. They paused outside the door, listening carefully. There was no sound inside. The ninja took a deep breath and opened the door. The room was dark, but the ninja could see a figure sitting at a desk in the corner. The figure was hunched over, their head in their hands. The ninja moved silently into the room, their blade drawn. The figure at the desk looked up as the ninja entered. Their eyes widened in fear. The ninja raised their blade and brought it down in a single, swift motion. The figure's head fell to the ground with a thud. The ninja sheathed their blade and turned to leave. The mission was complete.
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