Internet Games Central
Parrots of Fission City
A flock of unknown parrots has descended upon Fission City, causing widespread panic. The birds are aggressive and territorial, and they have already attacked several people. The mayor has declared a state of emergency and ordered the birds to be captured and removed from the city. The parrots are a mystery to scientists. They do not appear to be from any known species, and they have no markings that would help to identify them. Some people believe that the birds are aliens, while others think that they are the result of a secret government experiment. Whatever the truth may be, the parrots are a threat to the people of Fission City. They are a danger to both humans and animals, and they are destroying property. The mayor has vowed to do whatever it takes to get rid of the birds, and he has asked for help from the military. The military has sent in troops to help capture the parrots. The troops are using nets and tranquilizer guns to subdue the birds. So far, they have been successful in capturing a few of the birds, but the majority of them are still on the loose. The mayor is hopeful that the military will be able to capture all of the parrots soon. He is confident that the city will be safe once the birds are gone.
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