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Peter VS Giant Chicken
"The Thrilling Tale of the Human and the Poultry" Once upon a time, there was a man named Jack who lived in a small village. Jack was a simple man, but he was kind and hardworking. One day, Jack was walking through the forest when he came across a chicken. The chicken was large and fierce, and it charged at Jack. Jack was scared, but he knew he had to fight back. He picked up a stick and swung it at the chicken. The chicken dodged the stick and pecked at Jack's arm. Jack screamed in pain and swung the stick again. This time, he hit the chicken in the head. The chicken squawked and fell to the ground. Jack had won the fight! Jack was proud of himself for defeating the chicken. He took the chicken home and cooked it for dinner. The chicken was delicious, and Jack ate it all up. The next day, Jack went back to the forest to see if he could find another chicken to fight. He found a small chicken this time, and he was able to defeat it easily. Jack continued to fight chickens every day, and he became known throughout the land as the Chicken Champion. One day, Jack heard that a giant chicken was terrorizing the nearby village. The giant chicken was said to be invincible, and no one had been able to defeat it. Jack knew that he had to face the giant chicken, so he set out for the village. When he arrived, he saw the giant chicken wreaking havoc. The chicken was huge, and it had sharp claws and teeth. Jack knew that he would be in for a tough fight, but he was determined to win. Jack charged at the giant chicken, swinging his stick. The chicken dodged the stick and pecked at Jack's arm. Jack screamed in pain, but he kept fighting. He swung the stick again and again, and finally, he hit the chicken in the head. The chicken squawked and fell to the ground. Jack had defeated the giant chicken! The villagers were overjoyed, and they celebrated Jack's victory. Jack was hailed as a hero, and he was given a feast in his honor. Jack continued to fight chickens for many years, and he became known throughout the land as the Chicken Champion.
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