Internet Games Central
Plumage-less Bird
The Plumage of the Sticky Bird The sticky bird was a beautiful creature, with its bright green feathers and long, flowing tail. But one day, the bird accidentally lost its precious plumage. The bird was devastated. It didn't know what to do. It had always been so proud of its feathers, and now they were gone. The bird felt like it had lost a part of itself. The bird flew to the top of a mountain, where it could look out over the land. It felt so alone and lost. But then, the bird saw something that gave it hope. In the distance, the bird saw a flock of other birds. They were flying together, their feathers shining in the sunlight. The bird knew that it wanted to be like them. The bird flew down from the mountain and joined the flock. The other birds welcomed it with open wings. The bird was finally happy. It had found a new family.
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