Internet Games Central
Pumpkin Smash
Bloody Pumpkin The children ran through the forest, laughing and shouting. They were on their way to the pumpkin patch, where they would pick out the biggest, most perfect pumpkin to carve for Halloween. As they got closer, they could see the pumpkins lined up in neat rows. They were all different sizes and shapes, and they were all so beautiful. The children couldn't wait to get started. They picked out the biggest pumpkin they could find and carried it back to their camp. Then, they gathered around the fire and started to carve. They carved eyes, a nose, and a mouth. They added a few whiskers and a hat. Soon, the pumpkin was transformed into a scary jack-o'-lantern. The children were so proud of their work. They put the jack-o'-lantern on the porch and then went inside to get ready for bed. Later that night, the children were woken up by a loud noise. They went outside to see what it was and saw that the jack-o'-lantern was gone. They looked around, but they couldn't find it anywhere. They were starting to get scared. Suddenly, they heard a noise behind them. They turned around and saw the jack-o'-lantern standing in the doorway. But it wasn't the same jack-o'-lantern that they had carved. This one was different. It was bigger, and its eyes were glowing red. The children screamed and ran inside. They locked the door behind them and hid under their beds. They stayed there for a long time, too scared to come out. Finally, they heard the jack-o'-lantern go away. The next morning, the children went outside to see if the jack-o'-lantern was still there. It was gone. They never saw it again, but they never forgot the fear that it had brought them.
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