Internet Games Central
Stabilize Life Cubes
"In this physics-based puzzle game, you must slice blocks to stabilize the life cubes and bring a planet to life. The game is relaxing and challenging, and it's a great way to test your problem-solving skills. To play the game, you use your mouse to slice blocks. The blocks are connected by ropes, and when you slice a block, the ropes attached to it will also be sliced. This can cause the blocks to fall and the life cubes to become unstable. Your goal is to slice the blocks in such a way that the life cubes remain stable. If the life cubes become unstable, they will fall and the planet will die. The game is challenging, but it's also very rewarding. When you finally stabilize the life cubes and bring the planet to life, it's a great feeling. Here are some tips for playing the game: Use your mouse to slice the blocks. The blocks are connected by ropes, so when you slice a block, the ropes attached to it will also be sliced. Your goal is to slice the blocks in such a way that the life cubes remain stable. If the life cubes become unstable, they will fall and the planet will die. The game is challenging, but it's also very rewarding. When you finally stabilize the life cubes and bring the planet to life, it's a great feeling.
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