The Stone Man 2: The Rescue
Once upon a time, there was a young man named Stone who lived in a small village. He was a kind and gentle soul, but he was also very shy. One day, a group of monsters came to the village and kidnapped the princess. Stone was determined to rescue her, so he set off on an adventure.
Stone traveled far and wide, facing many dangers along the way. He fought dragons, trolls, and other fearsome creatures. He also met a talking bird, a wise old woman, and a helpful unicorn. Finally, after many trials and tribulations, Stone reached the castle where the princess was being held captive.
Stone faced the monsters who guarded the castle and defeated them in battle. He rescued the princess and brought her safely home to her kingdom. The king and queen were so grateful that they gave Stone a reward and a feast was held in his honor.
Stone returned to his village a hero. He was no longer shy, and he was always willing to help those in need. He lived a long and happy life, and he was never forgotten by the people of his village.
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