Pssst!!! I know what you do Friday afternoons! Don't act so surprised! Everybody knows that you lay in your bed and go through the latest magazines, wanting to know everything that is new in fashion. Don't you think that magazines are so perfect and so fabulous? From fashion tendencies to good food, the articles, the interviews and the photos are amazing. Advice about room decor, mixing and matching colors, makeup tricks or hairdos 101, you can find everything in a stylish magazine. Won't be great is you could be an editor at such a fabulous magazine, to pick out what's hot and what's not? Imagine something greater: your are a stylist that take care that the front page model looks fabulous. You know that the Stylish Cover Girl makes the magazine to get sold, that's why they found the perfect chick to pose sassy but you make up artist skills are required to turn out a simple model into a glamorous gal. Use your creativity to come up with a great make up combo. First you pick the right foundation, then you apply some subtle blush. You always want to make a statement with the eyes that's why you use eye liner, eyebrows pencil and dark,for extra volume mascara. After you pick out the perfect dress that matches with her sun-kissed skin, you know which lipstick to use. The final touch are the sparkly jewels. You wonderful job is done her. Lets take a quick preview at the Stylish Cover Girl. She's amazing!!! Good job!
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