Internet Games Central
Twerpy Dress Up
The little boy loved to play dress-up. He would put on his mother's clothes and pretend to be a princess. His parents didn't mind, and they encouraged him to express himself however he wanted. One day, the boy was playing dress-up when he heard a knock at the door. He opened it to find a group of boys from his neighborhood. They were laughing and pointing at him. "Look at the little twerp," one of the boys said. "He's wearing a dress." The boy felt embarrassed and ashamed. He wanted to run away and hide. But instead, he took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I'm wearing a dress. And what's wrong with that?" The boys were taken aback by the boy's confidence. They didn't know what to say. "Nothing," one of the boys finally said. "It's just weird." "It's not weird," the boy said. "It's just me." The boys looked at each other, and then they looked at the boy. They could see that he wasn't going to back down. They shrugged and walked away. The boy closed the door and went back to playing dress-up. He didn't care what the boys thought. He knew who he was, and that was all that mattered.
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