Internet Games Central
Wicked Queen Style
The Evil Queen Once upon a time, there was a beautiful queen who was also very cruel. She was so cruel that she poisoned her own sister, the kind and gentle queen, and took her place on the throne. The evil queen was determined to be the most beautiful woman in the world, and she would stop at nothing to achieve her goal. One day, a young woman named Snow White came to the kingdom. Snow White was so beautiful that the evil queen was instantly jealous. She tried to kill Snow White many times, but the young woman always managed to escape. Finally, the evil queen decided to trick Snow White. She disguised herself as an old woman and gave Snow White a poisoned apple. Snow White took a bite of the apple and fell into a deep sleep. The evil queen thought that she had finally killed Snow White, but she was wrong. A group of seven dwarves found Snow White and took her to their home. They cared for her until she woke up from her sleep. When Snow White woke up, she was determined to defeat the evil queen. She set out on a journey to find the queen and bring her to justice. Snow White eventually found the evil queen's castle. She confronted the queen and demanded that she release her from the spell. The evil queen refused, and she and Snow White fought a fierce battle. In the end, Snow White was victorious. She defeated the evil queen and brought peace to the kingdom.
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